Children’s Hospital Project

Building a Haven of Health, Hope and Dignity for Children in Africa

The International Missionary Foundation, in conjunction with the Sisters of the Handmaid of the Holy Child Jesus and other faithful doctors in Nigeria, are building the first Children’s Hospital and Medical Center in Lokoja, Kogi State. The estimated cost is 1.5 million dollars. The 75-bed hospital will have surgical suites, clinics, a medical center, the medical professionals quarters and much more.

This hospital will shape the structure of medical care by significantly reducing the morbidity and mortality rates in the state and the country at large. It will help to educate pregnant women and families about the prevailing epidemics and how to prevent them.

Underneath the statistics lies the pain of human tragedy, for thousands of families who have lost their children. Even more devastating is the knowledge that, according to recent research, essential interventions reaching women and babies on time would have averted most of these deaths.

14,000 children under the age of 5 die each day due to poverty, and they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from scrutiny and the conscience of the world.


Population and Health Status in Kogi State:

Kogi State is regarded as the most centralized and one of the poorest states in Nigeria. Bordered by 10 other states, Kogi has approximately 3,314,043 based on the 2006 census, with 1641,140 been women, 1,672,903 been men, 1,022,542 been Adolescents (10-24 years), and 624,049 been Children under the age of 5 (20% of the total population).  The State has Doctor Population ratio of 1:52,697, Pharmacist ratio of 1:91,527, Nurses/Midwives ratio of 1:3,191, and Laboratory Scientists ratio of 1:165,620.  Record shows that between 2006 and 2007 a total of 76,205 cases of Malaria were reported. Under 5 children account for 60% of the cases which was 45,723 cases.  Infant mortality in the state is 112 per thousand.

Together We Can Make A Difference:

Building the first major children’s hospital and medical center with 75 beds in Kogi State will offer a haven of health, hope and dignity to thousands of tiny souls in the state and beyond. The hospital hopes to provide the following services and support to the community:

  • Since a child is an emotional, spiritual and affectionate being, the hospital would provide a welcoming, warm and loving environment where children can smile, play and feel loved.
  • The hospital will provide adequate access to safe water and sanitation for the patients and the surrounding community, for sufficient hygiene practices and positive impact on children’s health.
  • The hospital will provide skilled and motivated staff, drugs and state of the art medical equipment. It would adopt the Integrated Maternal Newborn and Child Heath strategy.
  • The hospital will provide adequate education and training to parents and care-givers that would give them the relevant knowledge on proper child healthcare practices.
  • The hospital would be run by the Sisters of the Handmaid of the Holy Child Jesus. It will be like a thrift store, that is, it will offer a cost-effective medical care to children and pregnant mothers and also create a free medical program for those who could not afford it.

How You Can Help:

  1. BE A HOSPITAL CHAMPION – Would you prayerfully consider CHAMPIONING the cause of this hospital by helping us to AQUIRE medical equipment, ORGANIZE fundraising events, RECRUIT parishes or corporate films to sponsor part of the projects? Contact us to indicate interest
  1. BE A CORPORATE SPONSOR – Would you or your COMPANY prayerfully consider SPONSORING a specific aspect of the hospital project? Or your company leave a legacy behind by sponsoring any of the surgical suites, clinics or wards that could be named after the benefactor? Become a Corporate Partner
  1. BE A PROJECT SPONSOR – Would you prayerfully consider INVESTING in our cause by making a monthly/quarterly/annual financial commitment of any amount that is commensurate to your capacity? Make a Donation

Today amid so much darkness we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others. …….to protect every man and every woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love, is to open up a horizon of hope, it is to let a shaft of light break through the heavy clouds.

Pope Francis


Mass for the inauguration of the Pontificate, March 19, 2013